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TMC C5656x2 - 1x SFF-8088 MiniSAS to (two) SFF-8088 Ext. MiniSAS connectors Ext. fanout cable.
TMC C5656x4 - 1x SFF-8088 MiniSAS to (four) SFF-8088 Ext. MiniSAS connectors Ext. fanout cable.
TMC C9797-xM-IB -- QSFP+/QSFP+, IB, CX4, QDR. Infiniband Cable.
TMC C9898-xM-P-R SFP to SFP Passive Cable. See Options for Cable length.
TMC C9999-xM-P SFP+ / SFP+ Small-Form Factor Pluggable Plus cable
TMC I2629-xMC - SFF-8086 to (4) SFF-8482 fanout cable. INT MINI SAS 26-4x SAS 29 w/power, 0.5M
TMC I2647 - Internal SFF-8086 to (4) 7pin Fanout cable. (for LSI 300-8XLP and possibly others)
TMC I2917-xMC-1 - SAS 29 PIN TO 1x SATA, 0.5M, W/15 POSITION SATA POWER. For 7pin Host to SAS drive
TMC I2927-xMC Two (2) 7-pin Discrete SAS SATA to 29-pin SFF-8482 connector w/4-pin Power.
TMC I3229-xMC - SFF-8484 to SFF-8482 Fanout cable. INT SAS 32 MULTILANE-SAS DRIVE & POWER x 4
TMC I3529 SFF-8643 to (4) SFF-8482 Internal HD MiniSAS to SAS Drive x4 Cable. Premium Quality.
TMC I3535-M SFF-8643 to SFF-8643 Int. HD MiniSAS to Int. HD MiniSAS 12Gbps Cable. See Length Option
TMC I3535-MCT SFF-8643 Internal HD MiniSAS 12Gbps Backplane Cable
TMC I3535-MCT-RA1 Internal HD Mini SAS (SFF-8643) - Internal HD Mini SAS (SFF-8643), 12Gbps, 0.5M, 1 Right Angle
TMC I3535-xMCT-RA Internal HD Mini SAS (SFF-8643) - Internal HD Mini SAS (SFF-8643), 12Gbps, 2 Right Angles
TMC I3536-1M-RA1 Internal HD Mini SAS (SFF-8643) - R/A Mini SAS 36 (SFF-8087), Premium, 1M, 1 Right Angle.
TMC I3536-M SFF-8643 to SFF-8087 Internal HD MiniSAS to Internal MiniSAS Hybrid Cable. Premium
TMC I3536-MCT HD-MiniSAS to MiniSAS SFF-8643 to SFF-8087 Cable. Economy.
TMC I3536-MCT-RA Internal R/A HD Mini SAS (SFF-8643) - Mini SAS 36 (SFF-8087)
TMC I3547 SFF-8643 to (4) SATA 7-pin Int. HD MiniSAS to (4) SATA Drives Fanout Cable. Premium
TMC I3629-xMC Internal MiniSAS SFF-8087 to (4) SFF-8482 29pin SAS Drive cable. Uses 4-pin Power
TMC I3636 - SFF-8087 to SFF-8087 Internal miniSAS cable.
TMC I3647-1MC-RA SFF-8087 MINI SAS (HOST) TO 4 X 7pin SATA Fanout cable. Right angle on the 7-pin
TMC SM-080 SAS Adapter. The Ext. 4X connectors accept signals from the HOST and output to the TARGET